


Stratisphere: an NFT market place launch campaign



Stratis a cryptocurrency owner, was aiming to launch a NFT website. Having been around since 2016 they had an established name within the crypto world, but very little brand awareness outside of that. 


NFTs are divisive, and especially outside the crypto world they have bad reputation, so naming NFTs or the tech they are based on is unlikely to win us new friends. 
Stratis’ USP was the fact they didn’t charge a fee, but with every one in the category claiming low or no fees (although not all entirely correct), how do you stand out? 


We looked at the USP, no fee, would bring as a benefit to the makers and the buyers. 

The low fees means new artists can now try NFTs without incurring hundreds of pounds of upfront cost, which research showed was often a barrier. And for buyers, this doesn’t just mean more opportunities from more emerging artists, the zero-fee would also mean their money would directly support the artist, not the platform owner. 

Out of the the concept of ‘get closer’ was born. Positioning the platform as the place where artists and fans could find each other and connect, without platform objectives getting in between. 

For the campaign we selected 3 artists who were new to NFTs. We filmed them while they created new NFTs that went on for sale on the platform. The campaign included digital banners, in stream, OOH, website and app.