
London postcode puzzle

Side project

A self designed and released jigsaw puzzle.



When I moved from Amsterdam to London in 2006 I noticed the typical London way to pin point location in this vast metropole; postcodes. Where Parisians use their departments and New Yorkers street junctions to indicate where a location is within the city lines, Londoners add N1, SW8 or E17 to anything they want you to be able to find. It’s as much part of London as Big Ben, just a little less visible. It inspired me to design a postcode puzzle.


Having always been a fan of souvenirs, I designed a jigsaw puzzle, a souvenir for Londoners and visitors alike, sharing this very London navigational language.

I had my puzzle printed and sold it though a range of shop in London, including Paul Smith, British Library, Postal Museum, Science Museum, V&A and many more. Over 4000 puzzles have been sold to date.

The project has learned me a lot, especially by being on the client side.