
FT Weekend

Delivering growth in a shrinking category

Repositioning a classic



To reposition the weekend edition of the Financial Times as a stand alone publication with a focus on lifestyle rather than finance.


Research showed that FT readers see difference as an advantage.


I focussed on difference the FT Weekend brings the reader. The quality of the content is so good, it changes you as a person. In short the FT Weekend difference sits inside the reader, not the paper. Leading the creative team, we won the competitive pitch and delivered a campaign that communicated the FT Weekend benefit in a style that resonated with our audience. Creating a range of ‘double exposure’ images used along minimal copy: Life. Arts. Culture. Read beyond the expected.

The campaign was rolled out globally across TVC, cinema, OOH, press, in store & digital. The campaign delivered above target, resulted in an increase in subscriptions of over 10%.
